Mainframe Links

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Beginners University Yahoo Group System z Academic Initiative Germany, Download Coursematerial
XING Groups Mainframes and zUniversity Register to the networking plattform XING, and you can join the groups. Find job related offerings and build your network...
University Leipzig - Education Material and Lab System At this site, you can request access a z/OS lab system sponsored by the university of leipzig. Also, you find a lot of Tutorials.
System z Mastery Test Red the z/OS Basic Textbook, and certify your knowledge
Destination z The IBM home for the mainframe community
Books Redbook - z/OS Basic Start with this z/OS Redbook to get an good overview about Mainframe Basics
System Programmer ABCs - Redbooks by IBM Read this Redbooks, and you will fully understand the Mainframe... All z/OS related Books Online - usually you would go to "z/OS elements and features publications" and download your book as PDF Search for z/OS Messages Online
IBM z/OS Infocenter Your first stop for a new born z/OS person. - z/OS and Mainframe related Redbooks for beginners, Selfstudies, Glossary
Misc (Germany) Community for System z Managed by a german business partner
Open z10 BC Tour Interactive Tour to view the insides of a IBM System z10 BC
Experts Search/390 Search/390
- All Redbooks from IBM
- All Redbooks regarding Mainframe System z
Everyone Create your own punchcard Mainframe Formus, Download IBM Systems Magazin Mainframe Blog